What is Roommate Round-Up?
Roommate Round-Up was developed by our community partners to assist people in meeting others who are also seeking a roommate. There is no pressure to find a roommate at the first meeting or ever. When individuals are ready to move forward and find better housing, they can begin their search.

How can it help me?
Attending Roommate Round-Up gatherings can assist you in finding a compatible roommate and could enable you to afford a more desirable living situation. Shared rent and expenses could be more manageable.

When and where are the meetings?
Currently meetings in Lehigh County meetings take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Clubhouse of Lehigh County – 1437 West Gordon Street, Allentown, PA 18102.

For Northampton County, meetings will take place the Second Wednesday of the month alternating in the morning and afternoon. Please use contact information below for more information.


Click Here for the Roommate Round-Up Questionnaire


Click here for the Roommate Round-Up Referral Form


Q: Do I need an income?
Yes, an income is required to participate.

Q: Will Roommate Round-Up find me an apartment?
A: No, you and your roommate as well as your supports will search for an apartment together. From time to time, landlords with available apartments may make it known to the group and those resources will be shared with the group.

Q: Do I need a caseworker?
A: No, but we do ask you have a support person involved to help you deal with problems or disagreements you may have with your roommate after you have been matched.
Examples of supports include but are not limited to: caseworkers, therapists, or certified peer specialists.

Q: Does Roommate Round-Up allow individuals with children to participate?
Not at this time.

Q: Do I need to hear back from anyone about my referral before I attend?
No, but we will try to reach out to you once we receive your referral to let you know of the next meeting time and location. Please be sure to provide us with the best way to contact you on the referral form.

Q: Do I need to bring anything with me to a meeting?
A: We suggest a pen and a notebook.

Q: Should I bring my support person with me to a meeting?
A: We encourage you to invite your support person to come along, however, it is not required.

Q: Is there assistance available for the security deposit or first months rent?
A: There may be assistance available through community providers depending on your circumstances.

If you have any additional questions in Lehigh County- please call 610-782-3200 or email roommateroundup@lehighcounty.org
For questions in Northampton County- please call 610-829-4800 or email ncrru@norcopa.gov